Tuesday, January 31, 2012

01-31-2012 Friends are like snow flakes, and I gotta be careful not to melt them!

Well well well, what's this? A new From The Back Row? And they are talking about this past sermon on Making Friends Beyond Facebook? They also bring up different points that wasn't talked about in the sermon? Well, color me interested!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

01-24-2012 Listening? I do so listen! ....What was the question?

The From The Back Row crew is back again and will be discussing the topic of listening from the sermon on Sunday. The hosts here will share more tips and observations about listening, and a fun little story about how a very popular band fell because of a lack of listening.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

01-17-2012 Snowflakes! We are like snowflakes!

Well hi there! I just wanted to let you know that the From The Back Row crew is back for another round of sermon talk, specifically about the latest installment of the sermon series by Pastor Mark about Building Better Relationships. They talk about how we intereact with other people and how we should encourage one another and not rip into each other over how vastly different we are as a people.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

01-10-2012 Holding the door open so the past can leave!

What better way to kick off the new year than to start a new sermon series (Building Better Relationships) and for the From The Back Row crew to talk about it! This time they talk about letting go of the past and general misconceptions that revolve about that.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012-01-04 Reading the Bible? In a year?! That's crazy talk!

It's a new year and it's about that time that the From The Back Row crew to have another discussion, and this time it's about reading the Bible in a year! But fear not! It's not as scary as it sounds and there is a way to actually read it and not make it into a chore. There are tips ahoy in this one, and if you up to challenge then they are great to use, free of charge!

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