Wednesday, January 20, 2010

01-19 Lutefisk, Green Jell-o and Amazing Grace: What It Means to be a Lutheran

Why go to a Lutheran church? What would you expect when you walk in the doors on Sunday morning? Listen as we dive into the Reformation and look at what it means to be a Lutheran in today's world. We focus on God's grace, the Bible, Lutheran education and, yes, the classic Lutheran potluck!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

01-05 From Pac-Man to Call of Duty 4: The World of Video Games

Your son our daughter just received that brand new gaming system for Christmas and you're wondering what this Wild World of Video Gaming might be all about. Or you love to game, but your parents don't understand the fun. You grew up playing Pac-Man but know nothing about the gaming world? Listen as we discuss what's out there and what the gaming world is all about from a Christian perspective.