Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11-09 Forgive Me (for Not Forgiving You)

From the Back Row looks at the importance of forgiving others. But that can also be very difficult to do in reality. Listen as Pastor Mark, Jennifer Anderson (Sound Engineer) and Pam VanDusen (Youth Ministry Leader) looks at what the Bible says about forgiving others.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10-11 Those Crazy Christians

With Pastor Mark on vacation, Susan and Jennifer take the helm and discuss how the media can portray Christians in a negative light. Listen as we discuss "Crazy Christians in TV and Film" or as in the famous words of Ned Flanders from the Simpsons, "Hi-Diddle-Ho, Neighbors!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

09-21 Questions For God: A Miscellaneous Mailbag (Corrected)

For our latest podcast, we take some of the questions that church members, friends, and guests have submitted for the "If I Could Ask God One Question..." sermon series that don't quite fit into a 20 minute sermon, and go through them one at a time. It's an entertaining hodgepodge of questions and answers.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

09-08 Non-Demonination Churches

In this podcast, we discuss Non-Denominational Churches and their pros and cons.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

08-18 Christianity and Politics

 Can Christianity and Politics co-exist?  Is one party more Christian than another?  Should there be a separation of Church and State?  Listen as we discuss this often times polarizing topic.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

07-20 Legalism vs. Grace: Rules gone wild?

Legalism, in terms of Christianity, is obedience to God's law.
Grace is God's gift given through the blood of Jesus Christ.

In this podcast we explore these concepts which can be used to understand the answers to questions such as:
If I follow all of Gods' rules, does that guarantee an afterlife in Heaven?
Can someone who has been wicked all their life be saved by a deathbed conversion?

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

07-06 Gospels not in the Bible: Fact, or Fiction that would make Shakespeare proud?

What are those "other" books of the Bible the PBS specials keep profiling?  In this podcast, we discuss whether the other Gospels are Fact or Fiction and briefly talk about the history of the Gospels that made it into the modern Bible.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

06-22 Televangelism - The dark side...

Spreading the Gospel electronically, known as Televangelism or more recently the "Electronic Church" can be used in great ways.  In this podcast, however, we look at the dangers of Televangelism.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

06-01 Ugly "Christians": How Some Misrepresent the Gospel with Hate

Sometimes, there are events that just leave you downright puzzled and confused, especially when so-called 'Christian' groups preach hate by targeting certain people or groups in our society. We look at what the Bible says and why preaching hate really misrepresents the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

05-18 Managing Money: Living the Simple Life

Pastor Mark may be on vacation this week but that doesn't stop 'From the Back Row' as we look as ways to manage money better in our lives and with our children. Pam vanDusen, Epiphany's Youth Leader, joins us as we discuss money and make shameless plugs for the upcoming Bible Study that begins June 13th sponsored by the Youth Ministry team and Thrivent Financial.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

05-04 - Baptism: Wash Me In the Water

We dive into the waters of baptism in From the Back Row. What does being baptized truly mean? Is it necessary? Listen up and get your questions answered and hear Pastor Mark try to speak cool.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

04-20 Exorcism & the Occult: The Devil Made Me Do It!

Can someone be possessed by the devil? We know it was described in the Bible, but can it happen today? Can a house require an exorcism or is it just creaking doors? What is the difference between demon possession and Satanic influence? Listen now as we dive into these questions!

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Friday, April 9, 2010

04-06 A Man From Nazareth

(OK, so not THE man from Nazareth, but you get the idea...) Pastor Mark takes a much needed vacation after Holy Week, so From the Back Row invites a special guest, Mr. Shadi Bishara, who grew up in Nazareth, Israel. We discuss what it was like growing up Christian in such an historical place but now thought to be full of conflict and danger (hint: it's not all that the media says it is). Edited for some mild language. Opening Song (which is really quite cool) is by Devotchka called 'Dark Eyes' and the closing song is by Fairuz (one of the most famous singers in the Arab world who happens to be Christian) called 'Marreit Beil Shawari'. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

03-17 The Miracle of Easter - Hint: It's Not About the Bunny

Easter is a time of Easter eggs, pretty dresses, candy and the oh so famous chocolate bunny.  Or is it?

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

03-02 The Meaning of Life

Philosophers and Theologians have grappled with the age-old question "What Is the Meaning of Life?" In 30 minutes we dare to dive into the deep philosophical waters, too! Grab your water wings and dive in too!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

02-16-10 The "A" Word

It's controversial and a decisive issue in our culture today as "From the Back Row" looks at the issue of abortion. We look at what the Bible says and what might be a way, as a Christian community, that we could help to reduce the number of abortions each year. Opening music is 'Battle Without Honor or Humanity' by Tomoyasu Hofei - closing music is 'Stoney Street' by Amon Tobin.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

02-03-10 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Horrific earthquakes in Haiti, job losses and home foreclosures, terrorists killing innocent lives. How can God let these things happen? Or does He? Listen today to our latest podcast as we talk about why bad things happen to good people.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

01-19 Lutefisk, Green Jell-o and Amazing Grace: What It Means to be a Lutheran

Why go to a Lutheran church? What would you expect when you walk in the doors on Sunday morning? Listen as we dive into the Reformation and look at what it means to be a Lutheran in today's world. We focus on God's grace, the Bible, Lutheran education and, yes, the classic Lutheran potluck!

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

01-05 From Pac-Man to Call of Duty 4: The World of Video Games

Your son our daughter just received that brand new gaming system for Christmas and you're wondering what this Wild World of Video Gaming might be all about. Or you love to game, but your parents don't understand the fun. You grew up playing Pac-Man but know nothing about the gaming world? Listen as we discuss what's out there and what the gaming world is all about from a Christian perspective.